by Christopher Morley"There is far more music-making of the highest order going on in the Midlands region than can comfortably be accommodated within the pages of a printed newspaper. With dwindling sales of copies, publications nationwide are being forced to rein in their budgets for cultural coverage, and, closer to home, the Birmingham Post, with a proud 150-year history of classical reviewing, has taken the financially-enforced decision to abandon its commissioning of any material connected with the arts.
But this must not mean that organisations such as the CBSO, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Ex Cathedra and a myriad other music-making enterprises across the Midlands should go un-noticed. To prevent this regrettable state of affairs, I and my team of colleagues are continuing to provide reviews and previews to the Birmingham Post at no cost to the paper, and at no cause for alarm to the accountants at Trinity Mirror whilst 'mirroring' this service onto this web site.
Many music-lovers within a huge radius reaching far out from Birmingham itself are of the opinion that opportunities should be created for increased coverage of events on a permanently settled basis, and this is why MidlandsMusicReviews is here on your screens, aiming to keep alive the universally-admired coverage of the arts for which the Birmingham Post has so long been respected.
Musical organisations themselves have a stake in the running of the site, and the aim is to include not only reviews and previews, but also news items, and even an outlet for sale of musical materials.
We hope you enjoy this venture into the promotion of the amazing quality of music on offer in the heart of the UK."